For Now

Just for today,
a Sabbath
from knowledge.
Who knows?
Just for today,
a Sabbath from judgment.
Is forgiveness
not your nature?
Just for today,
A Sabbath from
being right or wrong.
If a day is too long
then just for an hour?
If an hour is too long
then isn't it enough
to bathe a thousand stars
in one breath
of love?
Just for now, friend,
stay with me.


This is Maunday Thursday, the day Christ held the Last Supper, and prayed alone in the garden of Gethsemane, imploring God to "take this cup of suffering from me." He asked his three closest disciples to stay awake, to watch and pray with him. But they fell asleep. When he came upon them sleeping he said, "Couldn't you stay awake with me one hour?" (Mat 26:40). That is why, on this night in Catholic churches all over the world, or in the temple of our own heart, we have "holy hour," a time to meditate in silence with the divine Friend, being simply present, simply awake.

Photo by Kristy Thompson

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