

When I stop trying
to be good, I become
I never saw a bird
trying to sing.
The music just
A common sparrow
is perpetually surprised
by the flow of
all into all.
This is the mystery
of the obvious.
Let us refresh the depth of the ancient expression, All in All. The All in Greek philosophy (Panta) is the divine Pleuroma or fullness. It is what in Sanskrit is meant by Brahman, the totality of the universe alight with God-Consciousness. Hence the beautiful expression in the New Testament: "Let God be all in all (Panta hen Panta)" ~1 Corinthians 15:28. "All in All" means that the fullness of the cosmos is not only completely full, but doubly so because conscious of itself: All aware of All.

The common sparrow has no little "i" trying to sing "better" than any other sparrow. The song that pours through her astonishment is the song of All singing to All through All. And that is how we humans were meant to sing, with the added bonus of being Self-Aware. But instead of using our awareness to celebrate the All, we use it to fabricate a small, independent, separate "i." Isn't it time to fall back into the heart-song of the universe? Don't worry. Allness only makes your voice more unique. The ocean become the drop.

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