Silken Cord
A hollow runs up your spine
piercing the heart
of Andromeda,
threading the serpent coils
of Laniakea, dazzling silken
cord of emptiness
that makes all creatures
quiver and beat
with a weightless kiss,
this whirling of atoms, minds, and stars
into something like a nest,
scraps of twig and berry twined
by a great winged mothering,
whose warm breath stirs
the deep, a ruffled softness
over the smooth blue egg
of the sky.
What is inside?
We only pretend to know anything.
Call it an ancient dawn
that has not yet broken,
holding in tiny seed cups
the wine of April.
Notice everywhere the
embryonic curve,
the curl of their little hands,
petals shaping themselves
in dreams
at the stamen’s tip,
the grey stuff in cocoons,
neither wing nor worm.
Or say these infant beams
gaze through all centers
from the mirror of your face
to the mirror of mine,
until our lips collide
in the ecstatic catastrophe
that is everywhere.
Look upward, look down.
To ascend is to fall
in all directions at once –
the teaching of the rose.
Water color by Marney Ward