

Your galvanic spine

a frail diaphanous

thunderbolt of milkweed

holographic neuron

full of fiery diamonds

ground ever so fine

spewing quantum faces

of creation. Thus

a song of wood thrush

tangle of devil's claw

sunbeams frozen at this end

into mountain tops

eyrie-play of two

baby owls

tossing the sky back and forth

with furious wings

Vagabond comets

crazy angels gazing

over the edge of entropy

toward horizons of derelict light

curved into a morning dewdrop

on a blade of alfalfa. 

Have you gazed into the boundless

golden explosion whose loving face

is the present moment?

The god of pollen only

has one name, Silence.

This nectar dissolves words like

“You,” “I,” “Should”

in a terrible sweetness.

Nothing remains but the dance

of swirling cinders.

Call it love.

When we grasp the enormity

of the disaster

we know that we cannot control

the laughter

that created the world.

Photo by Michele Burt

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