3 A.M.

I will now reveal the Truth. I don't know anything because there is nothing to know. Creation is a silent blast of free energy that spontaneously orders itself and dissolves back into chaos this very instant. Free energy has no purpose but tastes like God. Somehow it gets trapped into separate minds, the way air gets trapped into bubbles on the sea, for the sheer bliss of popping and getting free again. Why do we do this to ourselves? We don't. Why does the Almighty do this to us? She doesn't. It happens without a do-er, because it is an honor just to play, and an honor to be forgotten. It's fun to ask "Why?" because it finally leads us to ask, "Who is asking?" Now tell me, friend, why do drops of moonlight form in the ocean of divine darkness, and fall on a moth wing at 3 a.m.? Because they make the sound that awakens you to deeper silence.

Photo: Luna moth from 6legstoomany


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