
Neither of the East nor of the West,

neither of the Left nor of the Right,

I am here

in the center that seeps

through everything.

Neither black nor white,

infrared nor ultraviolet,

I am green, I am umber,

I am a thousand colors of loam


into the opposite of birth.

A choiceless rainbow seed

of possibility,

invisible beauty

in all that is beautiful.

Neither Yes nor No,

I am the crystal

of listening.

Neither dust nor bone,

mind nor spirit,

but the breath

that mingles them,

threading what is high

to what is low,

the outer to the inner

like a gossamer mist

of crushed diamonds.

Of no party or nation,

no tribe or faith,

I am a citizen of the earth.

All religions are mine.

All gods point to my heart.

I am a ripple of the moon

on the ocean of your darkness.

I am seven trillion grains of sunlight

sifted through a dragonfly wing,

the chime of tiny

shattering amethyst holograms,

each containing us all,

or are they merely raindrops

in the stillness

of morning prayer?

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