
Out beyond right thinking
and wrong thinking there's a field,
will you meet me there?
Out beyond Israel and Palestine
there's a field, will you meet me there?
Out beyond Islam and Christianity,
Atheism and Religion,
Oneness and Twoness there's a field,
will you meet me there?
Beyond Republican and Democrat,
Beyond Whiteness and Blackness,
Beyond the Binary and Nonbinary
there's a field where wine forgets
it was ever a grape,
a meadow full of bees
with ten thousand fragrances
that all become honey.
I asked Rumi, "Which path leads there?"
He said, 'Follow any sweetness
through the gate that is always open."
I asked, "Where is that gate?"
He pointed, and his finger
ever so gently pressed
the hollow in my sternum,
where the heart breathes.

Photo: Mt. Tahoma from a field near my house

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Absolutely brilliant and beautiful and so what this world needs. Thanking you with Love.