
When you discover

that each inhalation

is nectar,

and the space

between heartbeats

is the silence between stars,

and the mystery

who encircles your body

like a womb

of unfathomable compassion

is inside you,

then the luminous hollow

of every nerve

echoes with the sound

that created the world,

and you are rich,

you can thrive

in the empire of moonlight,

stinging diamonds

on moss-naked toes,

the glut of honeysuckle,

the perishing transparency

of this sparkling moment

on a rosary of dew.

But really,

what do you mean

when you say “Now”?

A dark moth settling

on a petal of flame?

A gleaming echo?

A bottomless wellspring

of healing.

If you’re thirsty,

use the cup

of this breath.

Painting by Elias Van Den Broeck

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