Your Body is the Sacred Door

The doorway to a house is not the whole house. Yet this humble open space, the door, is a gateway between outside and in.

The lintel was sacred in ancient cultures, a liminal space protected by Gods and Goddesses like Ganesh, who blesses and protects doorways in India.

Your body is the greatest portal of all. Just as the door is not the whole house, so your earthly body is not the totality of who you are: but it leads to the stars, to the kingdom of heaven.

Honor your body as the doorway to the Infinite. Honor every glistening organic pulsation of muscle and nerve. Honor the hollow passages, flowing with food and lymph, blood and air. Honor the neuron flowing with fire. Don't let anyone tell you, "You are not your body."

Honor the ocean in each cell. Honor the sky in every atom, opening like a sunrise from nucleus to electron cloud. Honor the black hole at the center of each proton, dense with all the information of the cosmos. That is the sacred Yoni. Be that opening.

Your body is an initiation, a rite of passage. Open like a flower to the space around you, for your body is a radiance beyond flesh, connecting you to the energy-field of other bodies. Your body has no edges.

Your navel is the place of emergence where ancient tribes return to the earth. Honor your breath, your exhalation into meadows, forests, mountains. Honor the inhalation that brings you the moon, infuses your blood with distant suns. The great hall in the palace of your breathing leads to the center of the galaxy.

Every house in the Zodiac is your home, a mansion within your body. The garden in the courtyard of your body blossoms with constellations. The intimate glow between Orion and Gemini is a synapse uniting two nerves in your cortex. Therefor you must honor every tingle in your flesh.

Honor the whirl of the galaxy in your forehead, throat, chest, belly, and sparkling sex. Quasars cluster on your vines so that Gods may drink your wine.

Yet never forget that most of your body is emptiness. This is the secret of your fulness. Honor the luminous silence inside, the vacuum rippling beyond the rim of the universe: that unbounded space is also inside your body.

The emptiness that fills your body is not nothing. It is consciousness, womb of ineffable Motherhood. At the core of the finest particle of your flesh is the pathway to the Goddess.

Bow down to your body. Bow down to the one who bows. Feel your crown touch the earth, as fire kisses kindling. When you bow, feel what spills from your body. When you bow, when you touch the earth with your body, pour out the star-ocean of Devas and Devatas, Buddhas and Dakinis, Avatars and Heavenly Bodhisattvas, who have gathered inside you to be churned, fermented, and brewed.

Your body is the grail that receives and pours, ever-empty, yet never not full.

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