Silence echoes out of Depth, gazing at the stars in a mirror of Wonder. That Gaze is a Wordless flower, lasting but an instant, then sinking down again into the seedless groundless abyss, ever reverberating, ever blossoming in astonishment.
This pulsation of Silence is energy: giving birth to consciousness, then to thought, then to nutrinos, suns and galaxies, which are just waves of emptiness collapsing into spheres.
You are Silence. You are the groundless Depth. You are the vibration of Shakti dancing in Shiva, undulating in nakedness and purity.
Beloved, we've been whirling through ourselves like this, all day and all night, eternally. That is why I place this diadem of suns and moons on your forehead, then bow to you and shatter my mind against your little brown toes!