World Without a Story

I have been up all night monitoring credible reports from around the world indicating that nothing is certain. Given the fluidity of the situation, it is highly advised to postpone your hostilities. And if you must act now, please, do something kind, or at least something that doesn't kill anybody. I will give you an update if I learn something new, which is highly unlikely.

The truth is, the world "out there" is a random chaos of information bytes. We select the bytes of "evidence" that tend to support the narrative we have already begun telling ourselves, even before we see it in the world.

Chaos always provides enough information to support any number of alternate and conflicting narratives. All wars and human conflicts arise through these conflicting narratives, which are neither true nor false.

So why not stop telling stories to ourselves and simply observe the silence within, where the narrative arises?  Rest there, in that silence, before the story begins. Then there is no need to look for "evidence" in the world around us to confirm our version of the story.

Now look at the world without a story. Find out what is there, if you can endure the Radiance.


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