Old Tire

Many know the use of the useful, but few

know the use of the useless. ~Chuang Tzu


A family of possums

living in an old tire,

waves of morning glories

drowning an abandoned Chevy.

Who plants flowers in a junkyard?

No one, friend.

They plant themselves.

I would rather love the smallest good

than resist the greatest evil.

A robin, too ardent for outrage,

weaves her nest from threads

of dangling moss, dead twigs.

The moth does not protest

the evening of the world.

A honeysuckle's silent trumpet

conquers the night 

with a drop of dew.

What are you resisting?
Here's the revolution:

Be open to the kiss of rain,

the sun's caress.

Release the sweetness in your heart,

the fragrance of vulnerability,

and bees will return.

Make your home in an empty circle,

an old tire.

Learn to see in the dark.

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