I Am This Place


I’m wading through
bear grass and lupine,

in alpine meadows beyond
Indian Henry's Cabin
on the path to Mirror Lakes
at Mount Tahoma, which means
"Breast of White Streams"

in native Salish.
Breathing in, I polish
my diamond heart.
Breathing out, I refresh
each dust mote in the cosmos.
Breathing in, I stand

in a very good place.
Being breathed, I am

this place.
The ocean awakens
as a drop, just so
the drop can return
to its own depth
with awareness.
It took 70 million years
to crystalize this human form.
Now the whole universe
shines through my marrow.
The pores of my skin
spew distant stars.

Vast space dissolves into
friendship with my Self.
Yes, I have edges,
but even my edges
are unbounded.
Now let us meet
in bejeweled otherness -
in a kiss at the tip
of this exhalation,
both of us made
of the same light.

Photo, yes. This is the place.

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