Not Complicated

It's not complicated. Your body rooted to the earth, where it is, as it is, its very weight a sacrament, gravity the Mother's love, pressing you to her breast, and all around the flower of your flesh, the kiss of space. Invisible planets caress you. Inhalation rises through the hollow stem of your spine, effortlessly threading the soil to the center of the galaxy, while your exhalation pours stars into the loam. Dissolve the world into boundless blues. Now let it be recreated by a gentle kneading, the rise and fall of your chest. Your soul, this breathing body. Your body, awareness. You are the sacrament, you are the wedding. The bridal chamber is your heart. It's not complicated. This is the first and highest meditation: being as you Are.


Otto Raich said...

Dear Fred,
as Austrian I am German Speaker.
Some of your poems touching me very strongly, then I have to translate those and share it with my (german speaking) friends.
In translating "Not complicated" I have got a question:
"Dissolve the world into boundless blues"
In that line is "Blues" the plural of the color of blue?
Like the different colors of blues in the Ocean or in the space?
Thanks for your help,
Kind Regards

AKL said...

Thank you, Otto, I am honored. Originally I wrote "boundless blue." Then I changed it to "blues." I like the sound and irony of that, because singing the blues is as sacred as the blue sky or the blue radiance of Lord Krishna. But you could use blue or blues, whichever works better in German. Thank you!

Otto Raich said...

Fred, Thank you very much for your help!
In German the "Blues" is called "Blues" too, and the name of the blue color is "Blau".
As in German the play with blue and blues does not work I went on with blue.....
Kind Regards Otto

PS: Vagus - Thanks for the great text today !
It seems like we have the same strategy how to cope with worries.
In my terms I would say I focus on feeling the most subtle sensations within my body system, saying yes to everything what is there..... after a while everything falls into the right place :-)

Otto Raich said...

Thank you very much Fred!
In Germane name for the color blue is "Blau", there is no plural, the play with "Blues" doesn't work in German , so I went just with the color Blau....
Kind Regards