Don't Come Here

If you're seeking practical advice,

don't come here.

Practical advice is for

fixing your bicycle.

If you want a spiritual teacher,

don't come here.

I will only shout at you

because the coffee is lukewarm.

All I have to say is this:

breath polishes the body,

mantra polishes the mind,
inside and outside, the same glass.

Atoms are made of brilliant emptiness

solid as diamond.

Stop being educated!

Give up namarupa

To shatter the mirror of name and form.

Concepts will melt

in the ghee of pure sensation.

Words will dissolve

in the hum of bewilderment.

Meditation is fierce healing.

The enormous green jaws

of the praying mantis devour her lover.

You become softer than silk.

You become the night between

a spider's moon-lit threads.

The Goddess Kundalini

does not want to catch you.

She wants you to be free.

Photo by Pang Way


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