Perhaps You Didn't Notice

Perhaps you didn't notice how,
when you awoke this morning,
you took your first breath
in the another dimension,
having shifted to the next world
where atoms vibrate to a different Law.
Where it doesn't matter whether
you are on the Left or Right,
Christian or Muslim, a do-er
or non-doer, of the East or the West.
It doesn't matter anymore
whether you see One or Two.
You need not wear a veil here
in the softer daylight where
the only authority is Presence.
The tribe you once belonged to
leaves no scent.
The glow of your essential oil
anoints the meadows now,
greening branches, thickening buds,
attracting the famished who need
only your touch, your tear,
no longer drawn by your doctrines
but by your musk and radiance.
It matters not what movement you join
or which master you follow,
as long as she is the one who descends
through your breath, blossoming
in the splendor of your chest;
as long as you rest in your
hollowest core of healing silence,
the formless flower that keeps
opening its empty golden cup
to pour out overwhelming fragrances,
distilled from the dark furrows
that runs down your body.
Arise and come now,
it is morning, begin your task.
This whole planet thirsts for your 
merest glow, the way it rainbows
through your face to re-create
our faces, each like no other.
We long to hear the new song flowing 
from your lips: “Chitananda Rupam, 
Shivoham, Shivoham: I am the divine, 
I am the divine, the very form 
of consciousness and bliss.”
Don't ask what work you will do today.
Just keep listening for this music
in the heart of every stranger.

Photograph: 'Inward Beauty' by Kristy Thompson


Anonymous said...

Rare everlasting fragrance of divine word imagery trails lit ✨️ ♥️ so bryght for each and every One. Asatoma sat gumayam
Chitananda rupayam 🕉

AKL said...

Ahhh, so lovely your voice of silence.