

If you think you are a "spiritual teacher"
and the lady who fixes your latté
at the drive-through coffee gazebo is not,
then you have a serious problem.
You are a student of the dust mote,
the bee and the rose.
Learn to shut up and smile like a dolphin.
If you feel you are an "empath"
and the stray kitten licking
a plastic thimble of half-and-half
beside the trash compactor is not,
then you're seeing through your I.
Every living creature is an empath.
It's why we're all here.
Even the pilgrim snail
on a hosta leaf feels starlight
that hasn't yet arrived.
Don't you want to touch the miracle of fur,
the annihilating sweetness
of the hummingbird's tongue,
the bliss-ocean parting for your
slippery dorsal fin?
Then burn away the veil
of mind like a moth wing,
and become the flame itself.

Photo by dearest friend Aile Shebar

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