Remember Without Memories

Remember, but without memories. Gently attend to the silent field of Memory before any images or events from the "past" arise. We can rest in the spaciousness of memory prior to thought; a subtle but effortless practice, really only possible when the mind is still, and the breath is faint. To be Present, we don't need to deny the vast Ago. Just don't crowd it with ego stories: 'I did this,' 'that happened to me.'  Air brush the 'me' out of memory until it is just a blue sky. Pause in your linear journey to look back toward the horizon. Where did you come from? Where are you going? Out of vast space, into vast space. What's the hurry? To embrace Memory without memories takes us more deeply into Presence. This moment expands into the primordial beginning-less. Memory is eternity, and the ancient Now an abysmal silence, ringing with intelligence unborn, bell music unstruck, emanating from the place where Ouroboros bit her own serpent tail, merging time future with time past, whirling the linear vector of mere duration into a never-ending Zero, filled with infinite Possibility.

1 comment:

Judith Karen Schwelgien said...

((as you know)) quantum physics now exclaims
time goes forwards and backwards and vertically ...
called vertical time ||| ((the present moment))
in it, all possibilities exist. every one.
vertical time is more physical and is expressed in the body and breath. unlike horizontal time, vertical time has no before and after``
and all of existence happens in the same instant
in this moment I see
we are at peace /
we are healed /
we are One. /
without memory // without expectation,
"...whirling the linear vector of mere duration into a never-ending Zero, filled with infinite Possibility."
quantum poetry ````` eloquent and elevated ```` ty`` Alfred.