Did Jesus Save The World?

Did Jesus save the world from war and pain? Did Buddha save the world from lust and exploitation? Did Krishna? Did the Prophet? Of course they didn't. And neither can you.

In fact, Krishna appeared right before the dawn of Kali Yuga. Just after he departed, this world descended into an age of chaos and destruction. The great avatars and spiritual masters do not come to save the world. They come to awaken You.

You came into this world alone. You will leave this world alone. And when you awaken from the dream of your mind, you will awaken alone. So you can stop trying to be a bodhisattva. If you touch the hearts of two or three other people along your way, and help them awaken, that is very good work. But it will happen without trying. Your right hand won't know what your left hand is doing.

For Jesus didn't say, "Wherever two or three million are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." He never played the numbers game. He said, "Wherever just two or three are gathered..."

It is childish and magical thinking to suppose that our "collective consciousness," our group meditations, our full moon or solstice sat-sangs, our global gatherings to open the portal of planetary alignment, will transform earth's destiny in a quantum leap. The world has its own karma. It will not be saved en masse. That's why Jesus said, "my kingdom is not of this world." And, "I give you my peace, a peace the world cannot give." The world has its own destiny. Let it be.

You are not of this world. You are Christ Consciousness. Does this message make you angry, or does it make you free? It's just truth, whether it makes you angry or free. You are in the world, but not of the world.

Your fate is spun from consciousness, not earth, air, water, fire. You weave your garments from the elements, but your naked essence is pure awareness. In the heaviness of the elements, in the whirl of the opposites, you can be joyful and light, because your essential nature is already free.

Can you simply Be, without your ego's need to change others, or to make them "better?" "Better" according to whose definition? The greatest conflicts on earth are fueled by different tribes defining "better" in different ways.

Do you pray for peace? Or can you accept the hard truth? When you "pray for peace," when you pray to change the world, your prayer arises from a place of lack, a sense of incompleteness, where the ego needs to be in control, to make the world conform to its own notion of what is "better," what is "right." The prayer may pretend to be holy, but it is not actually healing, because its energy comes from discontent, disapproval, and disharmony.

To bring real peace, let us stop praying for the world, and just let it be. Rest in the heart, and see the world from the wellspring of compassion, where all the opposites have drowned in silence. Then our very seeing will be a fountain of healing. Just that seeing is prayer. Just breathing from that center, is prayer.
Arms spread on the cross of the human body, we hug the cosmos as it is, without needing it to change or conform to our politics, our religion, our metaphysics. Reposing at the center of our crucifixion, we whisper with Jesus, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Truth is, we really have no other choice.

Out of this unconditional embrace, this boundless hug of what is, just as it is, perhaps a sigh of harmony will emanate from the heart, to make the stars tremble, and caress every atom in the universe with love.

Friend, you cannot save this world. But you can be a blessing.

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