Ocean of the Mother's Love

Who led us to believe we must dissolve our "separateness," destroy our little "i," and merge with a flatline of "non-duality?" That's a lot of work! It's the work of the mind, chewing on itself, creating concepts. "Separateness" is a concept. "Non-duality" is a concept.

The divine Mother's ocean of love is not like the intellect of man. We can drop this mind into the starry night of the heart. When the little droplet of "i" falls into the ocean of her love, it won't dissolve into impersonal nothingness. Rather, the ocean will become the drop.

Ah, my whole physiology thrills to say it! "As the drop merges with the ocean, the ocean merges with the drop." Is this not a mother's nature? Your mother became your body. She infused every particle of you, every breath of you. She poured her ocean of love into the droplet of You, and made your identity hers, and gave you her name. So pray, meditate, surrender, merge into the ocean of Mother Divine, and Mother Divine will merge into You.

Do you really believe that after all these trials, these lifetimes of searching, you will disappear in vast empty space? No, dear friend, You shall not disappear. Emptiness itself is an illusion. The no-thing-ness of deep space bubbles over with the Mother's milk, foaming with worlds.

You shall be a diamond in her crown, a pearl at her throat, a ruby on the rosary that dangles between her breasts. And this is how every other Person must appear to you - a unique jewel adorning the Mother. We are all crystal epiphanies of her abundance. Each of us is the Oneness, selved as a Person, tinctured with the whole ocean. Each wave is nothing but the sea, but this does not mean the sea stops playing in its waves.

The instant turning of kaleidoscopic love clusters the shards of the universe into an incomparable singularity. This turning is You, the next turning, Me. Both of us contain each other, and the whole.

Surrendered to the love that enwombs the stars, You are no longer just a little "i." You irradiate the cosmos. You don't need to rise above your Being, but sink into it. Love yourself. Isn't it time to remember this commandment?

Love yourself. This is the forgotten law from which even the first commandment arose. For how can you love the Lord your God if the ocean of God's love is not already inside you? And how can you love your neighbor as yourself if you do not love You?

At the center of your chest, where exhalation dissolves and inhalation has not quite arisen, there is a dark well of surrender. Vedic mystics call this dimensionless point the Bindhu. Jewish mystics call it the Ayin-Soph-Or - the dot of no-thing from which all creation shines.

Countless galaxies whirl out of your unbreathed unborn stillness, the Milky Way pours from this secret wellspring in your breast, and every star in the cosmos is imbued with the sweetness of your own peculiar light.

Don't wait another moment. With this very breath, love yourself!

Nasa Webb photo, Eagle Nebula

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