You Will Never Find Peace


You will never find peace, because you are peace. You will never wake up one morning to discover that the politicians have made peace on earth, because peace is not the nature of this world, or the politicians. This world is the field of conflicting opposites. And that is precisely why it is the place of liberation, where we come for awhile to discover, "I am not that, I am not this, I am not that, I am not this," until we can finally say, "I Am." Liberation won't happen in paradise, because heaven has no opposites, and it's too dreamy up there. So we come to this world of warring opposites because this is the only place to awaken. We are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Yet while we are here, we illuminate the world. This is why Jesus says, "My kingdom is not of this world." "The kingdom of heaven is within you." "My peace I give you, not as the world giveth." For the whirled cannot make peace. YOU are the peace in the midst of the whirled. You are not one of the opposites, ever polarizing energy for and against. You are the opposite of nothing. You are love. You are the whole light filling the whole darkness. You fill the darkness because you do not resist it, you do not struggle against it. You allow the darkness to give birth to you. This is the way of Jesus. This is the way of the Magdalene. A glow illumines the forms in a stained glass window, but the glow does not come from the glass, it comes through the glass. You are not the glass. You are the glow that illumines the world with forgiveness. And the sun is your heart.

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