Love Dissolves

Love dissolves
particles into waves.

Lovers let go
of any distinction

between doing and not doing.

When a mother nurses her child

she suckles the galaxy.

Who among us is the doer?

God is milk

pressed out by thirsty mouths.

In the blackness
at the center of swirling

all is still for trillions of years.

Yet here it rains,
then the lilacs

like unfolding skies

burst from their tombs of light.

Do what you will, friend,

the world remains as it is.
Even the sun is encircled

by darkness.

Without love, all is dust.

Try to be more and more 

like that infant,

churning this ocean of cream

with tiny lips
and a yearning heart.

Painting: Picasso, 'Maternity,' 1905

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