Poodle Belly

Learned this lying
on the belly of a big wise
sleepy poodle.
Strip off label armor,
underwear of
ceaseless description.
Get naked no mind,
voluptuous transparency.
Drop “Consciousness,”
“Source,” “Advaita,” “One,”
like pebbles in a well.
Then listen to the Wordless moan
of underground streams.
Be without the jive talking
astrologer guru Marxist feminist
life-coach ascended master
channeler of Pleiadean
7th chakra Hochma ayahuasca
jaguar shaman high priestess bebop.
Information overration.
Truth is not informed
but in formless.
Drown in choppy waters
of Om Tat Sat beneath 
the amniotic word-waves,
man-splaining fem-splaining
X-splaining Trump-splaining
non-dual tantra-splaining
pronoun-splaining twitter talk.
of Basho frog
in slimy microbiome
IS Om.
Love space un-knowing
where “I” dissolve in "Am,"
the bee hum pollen Ameen
gives birth to tears,
laughter springs up slick
and greeny from wonder-loam,
and my old beaten heart
just keeps polishing
diamond silence
with this breath.

Listen to a reading of Poodle Belly HERE.


Anonymous said...

Hello Fred, I’m an old friend of Dave’s, new to yr work. Love it! Great to have this place to visit. Love yr poem about trash-“There is no ‘away’”- beautiful

AKL said...

Welcome friend! People only find this place by going off-trail and mad thirsting for the nectar of they know not what!