Let the Mind Repose
Our minds become so weary and hopeless because they are always at work creating referents, images, thoughts pointing elsewhere. We waste our days in constant thinking, referring to other than what simply IS. At day's end, the exhausted mind finally shuts down and goes to sleep.
We live in a constant drain of worry, because we entertain a perpetual illusion that something is wrong. Therefor, we conclude that we need something "else" to make us happy. And the dis-ease of this ceaseless search for something else is thinking.
What can heal us of the dis-ease of thinking? Simply allow the mind to repose in its own nature. As the mind continues to generate thoughts, images, referents to something "else," have enough compassion to let it alone, neither grasping at thoughts nor attempting to stop them. Rest in the silent space of who you are, without reference to anyone or anything else. After a while, there is background-foreground shift. The silent space of Being emerges as the foreground of reality; the rustle of thinking fades into the background, like last nights dream. We can dwell in Presence, the imageless blue sky of awareness, prior to a single thought arising.
Hence, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asked,"Which of you by taking thought can add one inch to your statue? Take no thought for what you shall eat or what you shall wear... Take no thought for tomorrow."
Jesus taught meditation: the art of settling into pure awareness, free from thought.
We live in a constant drain of worry, because we entertain a perpetual illusion that something is wrong. Therefor, we conclude that we need something "else" to make us happy. And the dis-ease of this ceaseless search for something else is thinking.
What can heal us of the dis-ease of thinking? Simply allow the mind to repose in its own nature. As the mind continues to generate thoughts, images, referents to something "else," have enough compassion to let it alone, neither grasping at thoughts nor attempting to stop them. Rest in the silent space of who you are, without reference to anyone or anything else. After a while, there is background-foreground shift. The silent space of Being emerges as the foreground of reality; the rustle of thinking fades into the background, like last nights dream. We can dwell in Presence, the imageless blue sky of awareness, prior to a single thought arising.
Hence, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus asked,"Which of you by taking thought can add one inch to your statue? Take no thought for what you shall eat or what you shall wear... Take no thought for tomorrow."
Jesus taught meditation: the art of settling into pure awareness, free from thought.