
In southwestern Siberia, along Russia’s border with China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the Altai or “Golden” Mountains are home to the semi-nomadic Altai people and to many endangered species, including the totemic snow leopard and argali mountain sheep. The Golden Mountains are sacred to the Altaians and to Buddhists and Burkhanists around the world. Siberia’s highest peak, Mount Belukha, is especially revered. - See more at:
In southwestern Siberia, along Russia’s border with China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the Altai or “Golden” Mountains are home to the semi-nomadic Altai people and to many endangered species, including the totemic snow leopard and argali mountain sheep. The Golden Mountains are sacred to the Altaians and to Buddhists and Burkhanists around the world. Siberia’s highest peak, Mount Belukha, is especially revered. - See more at:

In about 35 years, 2050, the heart chakra of the earth will not be in India or South America, but in Siberia. Climate change will produce a green temperate home there for humans, flora, fauna, and angels. A civilization will develop that integrates sustainable technology, perma-culture, local free enterprise, and shamanism.

Freed forever from the dualism of "left" and "right," citizens will nourish the values of the Local, the Creative, and the Collective. Small business will thrive in cooperatives, helping, not competing: arts collectives, energy collectives, agricultural collectives, artisans collectives. People from diverse races and cultures will find a center of pilgrimage there, to study with shamans and to learn bio-dynamic sacred agriculture. Many will stay to build a new life, which will have nothing to do with global organizations or nation states: simply networks of local circles, vibrant with green energy and shamanic power.

How do I know this? I don't. I don't really know anything. It just came up today in consciousness. I have the flu real bad.

Photo: In southwestern Siberia, along Russia’s border with China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the Altai or “Golden” Mountains are home to the semi-nomadic Altai people and to many endangered species, including the totemic snow leopard and argali mountain sheep. The Golden Mountains are sacred to the Altaians and to Buddhists and Burkhanists around the world.


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