Hug the World

It's remarkable to me that so many people need a scape goat to explain the inconvenience and messiness of the world.

For some, the scapegoat is "capitalism," for others "big government." For some its "religion" and for others it's not having the "true" religion. Some blame "the rich" and some even blame "the poor." Some blame the Left and some blame the Tea Party. Of course none of these abstractions actually exist, because there are only people, being people.

So why is it necessary to blame somebody? Maybe the world seems so unjust because we're trapped in our mental image of how it "should" be. We don't like what it actually IS: the raw chaos, the loose strings, the unresolved issues. But in fact this is the nature of the world. The sloppy state of things is the infinite totality of Being expressing itself this moment. It is utterly perfect: otherwise, it would be different. Yet no tidy little ideology of our finite intellect can possibly grasp the overwhelming quiddity and suchness of a world where everybody is doing the best they can, and nobody really knows WTF is going on.

Trying to fix the world by blaming someone is the magical thinking of an angry child. Liberation is realizing that what is, is, and no one is to blame.

The real problem is my own heart. My heart hasn't grown quite big enough to drop the blame and hug the world, the whole damned world, right now, without fixing anything. One thing I do know. When I am ready to open my heart, any good I will ever do, any progress I will ever make, will emerge from that big sloppy blameless hug.


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