
"The Way to do is to Be." ~Laotzu
No one, including you, can count the worth of your actions. Let the angels do that. No one can possibly tell which butterfly wing will stir a tornado of transformation.

Just do what you are doing, "Age quod agis," your heart reposing in the ocean of Presence. Even the mightiest work, without the force of Being in it, comes to naught. Yet even the gentlest breath, rooted in divine silence, turns the world.

Our beliefs, our words, even our deeds are not so significant as we think. They are a mirage compared to our Being. Beliefs vanish the moment we fall asleep, or when a crisis occurs. And people in crisis often do the opposite of what they believe is "right action."

We can never determine whose deed will affect the world. The hardest worker may waste energy, producing nothing in the end. But a genius of good fortune may perform a single act, gracefully and with little effort, that produces undying inspiration in the hearts of millions.

When thoughts, words and deeds are truly effective, it is not because thought, word and deed have lasting value in themselves; they are just dissolving forms. They have value insofar as they are vehicles for Being.

When you hear words or encounter works that move you, transform you, inspire you, works that seem to convey "greatness," it is not the form but the Being flowing through it that you feel. The petal is only an expression of the sap.

What transforms the earth is not our words and deeds, but waves of Presence from our heart. Do you really want to be a mover and shaker of the world? Then practice deep meditation, morning and evening, to prepare your heart for action.

Sink into the ocean of Being. Then innocently do whatever small works need doing that day, as ripples rising from stillness. Say what few words must be spoken. However plain your words, however humble your deeds, they are channels through which vibrations of healing transmute the world.

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