
Mary, what's the secret
energy of your name?
Mir-yam, Mir-yam,
ecstatic and in-static
Bittersweet sea
that rises and falls through
every breath.
You are a fountain of starlight
springing from the earth
into my spine,
shattering crystal distances
over my crown,
showering numberless
mirror shards
of love upon me.
Are you not a tower of myrrh
in the temple of my bones?
Microbial transcendence
of dark
Mother Matter.
Ebbing fullness,
of the moon
in an embryonic stem cell.

O sacred chaos!
O fecund annihilation!
O Magdalene,
pulse of my longing,
thread of diamond stillnesses
from whose ineffable
beauty I weave
a body for Christ.

Art by Sue Ellen Parkinson

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