O Star Beings

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” ~Jesus (Mat 6:22)

O Star Beings, O Melchizedek, Miryam, Christ, O Guru Dev: fill this garden and this home with Abundance, with Beauty, with Healing, with Love. Fill my bones with Uncreated Thunder. Through ages I've been looking FOR the light; now let my looking BE the light. May the radiance of my heart shine through these eyes on all I see, beaming through taste buds, touch, smell, and hearing to create a lush green planet. Let emanations from the black hole at the core of each proton in my body be ten thousand sword-wielding arms to shatter the duality-mirror, whose reflections until now have separated inner from outer, Shiva from Shakti, consciousness from matter. Christ's Single Eye is not in my head but in my heart, where twin flames kiss, one triangle descending through my crown, and one ascending from my sacrum, piercing each other in ecstasy to form a Royal Davidic Star, the Yogic sign of hridaya-chakra. Let this Eye destroy the world. Let this Eye create a new earth. Are not all creatures made of the golden splendor that glows from my solar plexus, filling the cosmos with sparks of seeing? Out beyond the rim of time, beyond the intergalactic grail, where swirl the effervescent unborn stars, is a vastness that also permeates my ear with divine silence, like the ocean in a conch, spills tears of divine beauty from these looking orbs, surfeits my belly with the bread of God's laughter, and stains these lips with the wine of God's love in the smallest berry. Now I know, the holy ones that I've been praying to are ripples of my own bewilderment, cellular voices in the chorus of my own body, pilgrims on spiral stairways in the towers of my DNA. All my ancestors bring offerings and kneel in the temple of my blood. Therefore, with most intimate tenderness, to my own miraculous flesh I pray: O Star Beings, O Melchizedek, Miryam, Christ...

Art by Bing Wright, who photographs sunlight through shattered glass.

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