
A flower makes no effort to spring from its seed. So you spring gracefully from your own awareness, because you cannot possibly be anyone but you. The final liberation is just to repose as you are, right now, before you even have a thought. This is why Jesus told us, in his Sermon on the Mount, "Take no thought... don’t worry... just be as natural as the lilies of the field."

There is no other path, no other blessing, no other grace but to be You. Imagine how it feels for a rose to be nothing but a rose. For the wild meadow to be its own entangled galaxy of fragrances. Why would you need to be someone else? In fact, all suffering arises from this very effort to be other than I Am.

Reposing in the Self is not passivity, but ultimate dynamism, the regenerative power of surrender to the force that creates you. Resting as you are cannot but release the germ from its seed, the action that the universe longs to perform through your unique moment presence.

Ecstasy blossoms right here, and cannot be avoided. Confess that you are powerless to do anything about it. How else will you get through this devastating miracle?

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