
I could not rid myself

of my addictions,

so I transmuted their yearning

into You.

I thought that the hollow place

inside my chest

must be veiled in the smoke

of Habana robustos,

the earthen bouquet of

oak-wise well-aged whiskey.

Now the fragrance of 

the merest breath delights me

with the musky finish

of your love.

Emptiness rejoices in the fullness 

of thanksgiving.

Longing itself is my


for I have met the Friend

whose glance changed


Solitude became a wedding,

night a darker sweetness

than desire.

I have too many

radiant centers now

to be alone.

Silence has been swallowed up

in the music of namelessness.

You flow into me

and I flow out beyond your edges.

Foolish and crazy,


I must be the One

to whom I have been praying

for ten thousand lives.

Only the naked and the lost

can savor these words.

They alone are worthy

to beg.

Sculpture: 'Christ the Beggar' by Timothy P. Smaltz


try ``` not try ``` be the sky said...

good morning, Fred.
[again, I wonder ```` coincidence / serendipity / soulful oneness] ````
a strange accident, sliced the top of my foot. not completely trusting emergency rooms, I triple butterflied the large wound and took a pill for the acute pain ```````` unusually, I posted and then wrote an obtuse comment about this ... after a few minutes and reactions, made the thing private for a thought, out of the blue, that someone might think me an oxy addict! (no one who knows me personally, of course) ```````````````````````````` then in the wee hours, I came ^here< to the desert of your sacred words to see this // Addiction
to everything, turn / turn / turn
(I feel `` how we heal

certainly, we are all "addicts" of something or other,
and earth and our experience here, our terrain of transformation/
after time and intention, substance addiction is now a very dull roar in my life // sugar / alcohol / food / et al ``````````````````` pharmaceutical drugs are all questionable and I do not and never have liked them
I am even questioning insulin.......
process addiction..willful worry```prescribed perfectionism,,,````````````````each day, I continue to open to healing

indeed, when what we do and say and think is Sacred
addiction is never here or there`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
this poem and image are beautiful xo

` naked and lost, I savor your words.
just another word / a word misspelled in your link to this blog from your meta page /
( ) / used it once the other day and a can of internet worms opened up into my pc / you may want to correct that ....
Peace be with you, friend

AKL said...

'we are all "addicts" of something or other': Yes, and that is really the basic insight of Gautama in contemporary language. His first noble truth: the mind is in a constant state of Dukka, suffering, caused by Trishna, 'thirst.' We have used the words 'suffering' and 'desire' and lost the timely living truth of his teaching. He was talking about the restless addictive nature of the mind and our endless need for stimulation and anaesthesia from some external source. We as humans are all in a constant state of addictions and recovery. And than you for the note on the link!