
The Hamsah swan
alights without a whisper
on the still heart's lake.
“Hamsah” means both
swan and soul
in the first language
of meditation.
We received this mantra
at the highest initiation,
our birth.
Breathe in Aham, I Am.
Welcome the grace
of your existence,
because Being is nothing
but grace.
Breathe out Sah, She who Is.
Gift yourself to the Giver.
Why are you here?
To make an offering
of your body
to the one who enfolds
each atom with a kiss,
and kneads
each particle of no-thing
into gristle and bone.
Now rest in the folding
of the swan's wings,
a boundless dot
between out and in
where Ham and Sah dissolve.
How could there be more
than Zero?
Before creation,
each creature already
rests in God,
You in I, I in You.
And with each exhalation,
we return
to rest in God.
It's no secret, friend.
Just to breathe
is the purest worship,
and every breath
is God's name.

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