Autumn Prayer

In the ordinary of the season,

to notice is to worship.  

Musk odor in the hollow of the last pear.

The garden withered to its root,

still amber with warmth, 

the tint of collapse, of fallen 

happiness well-seated.

Your beaten heart releases the scent 

of something rain has unshaped.

Loss tastes more delicious than music.

Your mind stream grows so clear

it reflects the abysmal blue 

of its otherness, the sky.

Starting at the edges, all creatures

burn inward toward their center.

Now is the season of understanding

that the soul is the deepest organ

in your body, and it is on fire.

Even your wings are lit by death,

 and a mighty empire falls around you 

like a brittle leaf.

Listen for the luscious chafe 

of silence within silence,

like the murmur of water under snow,

the perishing of a bell.

Let this sound claim you.

God needs no dearer name.

Merely a breath, this whisper 

is the seed of a new creation.




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