How To Suck Distant Galaxies Through Your Belly Button

Don’t let anyone market 

your innocence 

and sell it back to you 

as a spiritual technique.
Just blow bija bubbles like a baby.
Suck distant galaxies through 

your bellybutton.
Let your intellect plummet 

down light-years of surrender in a flash

of thunder.
It's not such a long way 

into the starry darkness 

of your diaphragm,

the space that was here before God said,

“Let there be light.”
Rest in the silence before the question arises:
that is the answer.
Thousands of years ago, 

Ashtavakra shouted, “Layam vraja! 

Dissolve now!"
He was in a cave and no one heard him,

yet the rocks trembled, the sky 

evaporated into itself, 

and now we live in the echo.

When the thought of “I” floats by,
let it pass like a petal on the stream
of abysmal transparency.
Only dreamers take the night-journey.
Real pilgrims never leave Om.
At dawn, they're still wandering 

round and round, well-focused, 

content, truly loving

the shape of zero.


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