The Kingdom Already

“The kingdom is already spread over the earth, and men do not see it.”
~Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, 113

The great mistake is to define my existence before I experience it. This is what separates the mind from the world, and trap me in a fruitless shadow-land of running commentary, where I only parallel my body without actually inhabiting it. In such a ghost-world, ideology colonizes the organic, making empathy impossible. I don't want to live in a world of concepts and generalizations. I want to imbibe awareness straight, no chaser, no mixer of names and thoughts.  Let consciousness taste its transcendence in the smell of pine breeze, croak of tree frog, outrage of honeysuckle clambering through the ribs of a junkyard Chevy.
Let me inhabit the real and not the mind’s description of it. Let me dwell in a wilderness of unmitigated flavor, a tincture of feral breathings and spiritual sensations. I would be a citizen in the nation of Unknowing, where the indefinable cosmos implodes into ever more unique yet edge-less selves, and each infinitesimal enfolds the whole.

Image by Fat Cat Art

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