
Like a bee who has sunken and dissolved in a pollen bog at the center of a rose, you don't need to go anywhere to find the sweetness of God, no journey required, no seeking. All you have to "do" is awaken. Awakening is the reason you are here.

You swim in a miraculous sea of grace. This is the secret of secrets in the heart of youe heart. You are a breath of the Beloved, whose grace pervades every particle in creation. Don't even try to understand this. Just drown.

You evolved through aeons of mineral, vegetable, animal, angelic energy, finally incarnating here in this earth-realm of paradox, where you merged the opposites of high and low, spirit and matter, pain and beauty, and became a Person. Did you pass through all this only to become the impersonal faceless One? Of course not. You came here to dance. Your mission was: condense, refine and Christolize stardust into personal ensoulment.

Yet every particle and wave of this evolutionary process, from beginning to end, has been the flow of one substance, one substratum, one river of divine love. Physics is the fire of divine love, biology the honey of divine love. Your cells are drops of divine love, and your body is the honeycomb.

Awaken and see that it is all made out of love. Matter is love. Separation is love. Death is love. You are love. And the one you most despise is just an aspect of love that you have left in the shadows.

Then what is there for you to "do"? Just relax. Deepen your silence. Don't you know that your deep silence nourishes creation more than any Word, or any deed? When you fall into the deepest silence, you will hear the earth breathe flowers of gratitude.

Rose, water color by Marney Ward

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