Passion of the Diamond Void

The passionate and truly ambitious desire more than fame or diamonds, gold or finest wine. They want to become the light of the Divine, to breathe the light, turn their bodies into dancing light, and pour the light into all creatures.


Yet there is an even more ambitious lover, who seeks the deepest passion, the highest wealth of all. She transcends the glory of God, abandoning the light, to mingle her bones with darkness.


She yearns to merge with the night of divine humility, beyond the veil of annihilation, where God becomes purely God, attaining the final end that is the beginning, of which we have been told, "In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was formless and void."


Here, before the birth of light, supreme wealth gushes and spills in the overflowing abundance of nothing. This is the holy blackness without vision, without illumination, without an eye.


The subject who yearned to behold an object, her Beloved, now returns to the Self alone, and no Word of creation is spoken, no creature emerges from the womb of the timeless. The I who said, "I Am," dissolves completely. Am only remains, like an unfathomable midnight.


This midnight ineffably sparkles with the pleuroma, countless suns and galaxies. Yet the cosmos is but a shimmering afterthought, with no mass or density.


The universe is like a vanishing mist compared to the solid self-luminous jewel of pure awareness. It is like comparing an amethyst to a mirage.


Thus the effervescent dream of creation just keeps disappearing in the silence of the Witness, Christalized in uncreated bliss, prior to Being. And this perfect unity, which need not even count to one, is Love.

LINK: Listen to a reading of this meditation. 
IMAGE: Avalokiteshvara Buddha, pure consciousness, creation's source.

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