To Tell You

I only came here for one reason,
To tell you each and every day
that God is a radiant golden sun
hidden in your chest,
and breath is the Goddess
dancing before Him
in this temple of flesh.
They meet here
in the Bridal Chamber,
a dark sweet secret place
where She pours herself
into your grail of Silence.
Nectar spills out, nourishing
the garden of names,
your body.
It is the vintage that spilled
into Mary's womb,
the same, the same,
twining tendrils and leaves
around a trellis of bones.
Do you imagine the fragrance
ends at the edge of your meadow?
Do you imagine the root
at the center of your vineyard
is a naked hollow reed
that plays no music
when the wind blows?
Friend, this ceremony
makes the world
green again.

Garden of Eden by Jan Brueghel the Elder

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