Rediscovering the Prayer of the Heart


"Let Jesus be your breath." ~St. Hesychius of Jerusalem, 5th C.

In my World Religions course, I give the students an option to experience the Jesus Prayer, or Prayer of the Heart. After a talk on the history of this contemplative practice, we have a guided meditation with very simple and gentle instructions. Students practice the prayer several more times, then write their journal entry. Here I am sharing reflections by two college students because they are more eloquent than anything I could say about this beautiful forgotten Christian heirloom. Neither of these students had any experience with meditation before, or knew that it was part of their heritage. All I can say is "thank you" to the Spirit-Breath, and the power of the Name. And to the wondrous work of John Butler.

Student 1: "Connection and Surrender"

"I’ve just spent some time practicing the 'Jesus Prayer,' and the experience has been surprisingly profound. The prayer, which goes, 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,' initially struck me as simple, almost too basic. But as I engaged with it, I found a deeper resonance than I expected. Sitting quietly, I began repeating the prayer slowly and deliberately. At first, my mind wandered, distracted by daily concerns and the noise around me. But as I continued, something shifted. The repetitive nature of the prayer started to anchor me, pulling me away from my distractions and drawing me into a state of calm.

"With each repetition, I felt a growing sense of connection and surrender. The words seemed to resonate not just in my mind, but in my heart, offering a space of peace and introspection. The instruction to 'shift awareness from the head to the heart, and feel the prayer arising there,' was most helpful. It was as if the simple act of focusing on these words allowed me to step back from my usual mental turbulence and experience a moment of stillness.

"As I finished, I noticed a subtle shift within me—a feeling of clarity and humility. The practice had not only quieted my thoughts but also deepened my awareness of my own limitations and the grace that lies in acknowledging them. It was a powerful reminder of the divine presence and mercy that envelops us, even in the midst of everyday life. Overall, the Jesus Prayer has proven to be a profound spiritual tool, offering me a moment of reflection and connection that felt both grounding and uplifting."

Student 2: "Rhythmic Heartbeat of Prayer"

"As I followed the guided instructions, I found myself becoming gradually immersed in a profound state of peace and stillness. The repetitive invocation seemed to transcend mere words, evolving into a rhythmic heartbeat of prayer. Each recitation felt like a step closer to a harmonious unity with the divine. The gentle focus on the heart, combined with the steady breathing, ushered in a serene awareness that detached me from my usual stream of thoughts and anxieties.

"Reflecting on my definition of prayer, I now see it as a bridge between the earthly and the transcendent, a conduit for divine connection. Previously, I often perceived prayer as solely petitionary, a request for intervention or assistance. Yet, this experience illuminated prayer as an act of presence and surrender, an embracing of the divine within one's own heart. The 'Prayer of the Heart' emphasizes a contemplative approach, where the repetition of the holy name becomes a transformative mantra, purifying and centering one's being."

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