
The orgasm that matters
is the one that lasts forever.
The others were just signs,
intimations of some 
darker elegance
at the center of whirling light.
Your crown explodes
and all the names pour out.
They become stars so far away
they are not yet created.
Nothing has a label now.
Thoughts dissolve in the bee-hum
of an ungleaned meadow
owned by no one.
Relics of rusted armor lie
in the clover, husks
of some forgotten battle
in your heart.
A helmet full of sod,
a breastplate shot 
with Autumn crocuses...
They teach you ancient tears.
Yet this a place for forgetting echoes.
Because nothing has a name
you navigate by fragrance,
guided from blossom to blossom
by a longing that foams over
the brim of your perfect contentment 
like mead, the honeyed wine 
that Jesus shared with Mary
from the cup of his gaze.
A kiss that is everywhere
needs no lips.
Not that the body becomes useless, 
but "I" no longer need 
to whisper "Thou."
Your veil is the wilderness,
the wedding of all things green,
consummated by weaving
Winter to Spring.
Anointed with the chrism 
of this breath,
you wear the whole vineyard
as a wreathe crown.
Was there ever a Bride,
a Bridegroom?
Or have they always been braided
like rays of sun and moon 
on the trellis of your missing rib?
In this entangled garden, 
vows are broken
every moment a moist bud bursts
into petals of fire.

Image: Flora, detail, Sandro Botticelli

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always preciuos tahnk you Fred. A Hug Riccardo