Born of the Breath

It is not a coincidence that Jesus used exactly the same word for Spirit and Breath, pneuma. So did all great teachers. In the Hebrew Bible, the divine Spirit-Breath is ruach, in Sufism, ruh. In Yoga it is called prana, in Taoism, chi.

To be truly alive, said Jesus, we must be born of the Spirit (John 4). Born of the Spirit literally means born of the Breath. Not born again once on some particular day, but born again and again with every breath. This breath, now, is a New Creation. 

We think we are 24 or 64. We think we are young or elderly. But when thinking dissolves into breathing, we are never one breath old. This breath is ageless. This breath is eternal life, even if it is your last breath.

Inhale. Something marvelous sparkles inside, cleansing, healing each cell of your body. Exhale. Ancient love pours out to renew the world. Let this very breath be your sacrament. Breathing is the subtlest act of worship.

This is not a belief, but a practice. Welcome every breath as a gift of the Holy Spirit.

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