Doing Silence
It's not enough to be an activist. We have to do nothing too.
It is so important to honor silence! During a very stressful time in the world, when tension, antagonism, disconnection abound, we need to imbibe the power of Silence and give it to the world for grounding and stability. Most of us focus too much on what happens in silence - the changing forms that arise in formless space, the sounds coming and going, the chaos - but we don't attend to the spaciousness in which it's all happening. Silence may embrace chaos, but the Silence that contains it is creativity, nourishment, and peace. Have you ever shifted the background to the foreground, and honored Silence itself?
Please honor pure Silence until it solidifies into a jewel, shining out of your breastbone, sparkling deep in your center, flooding your heart with pulsations of pure Presence, the Presence of divine Being. This is an essential practice for sanity during chaotic times. Do it not just for yourself, but to bring peace to the whole environment.
And please don't underestimate the profound effect of letting this shift happen for short moments, repeated often during the day. Don't try to sustain it: just a moment can flood the world with the grace of Silence. Then it can grow wider. The Infinite gets its foot in the door through tiny cracks.
It is so important to honor silence! During a very stressful time in the world, when tension, antagonism, disconnection abound, we need to imbibe the power of Silence and give it to the world for grounding and stability. Most of us focus too much on what happens in silence - the changing forms that arise in formless space, the sounds coming and going, the chaos - but we don't attend to the spaciousness in which it's all happening. Silence may embrace chaos, but the Silence that contains it is creativity, nourishment, and peace. Have you ever shifted the background to the foreground, and honored Silence itself?
Please honor pure Silence until it solidifies into a jewel, shining out of your breastbone, sparkling deep in your center, flooding your heart with pulsations of pure Presence, the Presence of divine Being. This is an essential practice for sanity during chaotic times. Do it not just for yourself, but to bring peace to the whole environment.
And please don't underestimate the profound effect of letting this shift happen for short moments, repeated often during the day. Don't try to sustain it: just a moment can flood the world with the grace of Silence. Then it can grow wider. The Infinite gets its foot in the door through tiny cracks.