
My problems arise when I try to do what is happening...

I would be declared insane if I claimed to make the sun rise, the seasons change, the earth turn, and the stars rotate through the Zodiac. Why am I any less insane if I claim to bake bread, make money, or lift a single stone? I cannot even "do" the physiology in my own body. Do I breathe my breath while sleeping? Who breathes me? Do I beat my heart? Who beats it day and night? I cannot control the morphology of a single cell, or instruct a strand of DNA to mutate and not to mutate.

Therefor, when I work or play, who works and plays? When I achieve success, who succeeds, who fails? When I work hard, the work gets done, but where does "hard" come from?

One person says, "This is hard work." Another accomplishes that same work without stress. What is the difference? Is it in the work done, or in the sense of do-ership imposed by the mind?

There are two ways to be ignorant and karmically bound. One is claiming that no work needs to get done, the other is claiming that "I" am doing it. 

Liberation means, engaging in dynamic work without any do-er. One who is free accomplishes a great deal without claiming that "I" have done it. This is not false humility, but the actual experience.

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