Now a Perfect Grace

Now as never before in history, a perfect grace and healing power pours into this world. But it enters in a subtler and more intimate way. It does not come through our activism, our words, or even our thoughts. It infuses through the space between our thoughts, the silence between our words, the stillness between our actions.

To taste this miraculous nectar of Presence, one must simply rest in the heart, and shift awareness from thinking to Being. The distance traveled is less than the width of a hair, but it is the portal to a new earth.

This shift is not happening TO us. It IS us. It is not difficult. In fact, it is too simple, for the ego wants to DO something. Mind loves difficulty. But Grace requires being without doing or thinking for a little while.

This new healing power cannot be organized, institutionalized, occupied, or enacted. It does not come through political or religious work. Its medium is Presence itself.

Institutions, belief-systems, and educational models from the past have already collapsed. Their substance is like an echo. But Presence now takes on a diamond-like solidity. 

All past ideologies and reforms were based on hope and blame, future and past. They failed because they were rooted in time, not in Presence. 

Hope is of the future. Blame is of the past. But love is always now. Therefore be hopeless, be blameless, be Present. 

Let your heart rest in the hollow core. Do not doubt the tidal wave of Grace that will flow through you.

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