'Compact Fluorescent Bulbs Release Cancer-Causing Chemicals': LINK
Now it turns out that energy saving light bulbs are bad for me.Whatever was good for me turns out to be bad.
How about soymilk?
Yes, even organic unsweetened soymilk.
And fuck whole wheat.
I mean, with all that gluten.
Every luscious green I buy in the farmer's market:
tainted with some chemical or GMO that blew in on the breeze.
And even the breeze, tainted with over 400 parts per million Co2.
Gag me with a spoon.
We're doomed.
Every particle of dust is impure.
The stars are impure.
Kali and Shiva are impure.
Jesus is having impure thoughts about Mary Magdalene.
The battery in my $45,000 electric car,
if I could afford one.
According to my manic-depressive girlfriend,
the perfect guru made her manic-depressive.
Tell me about it.
Time and space are tainted.
Everything is tainted.
You can say that again.
Perfectly impure.
Absolutely perfect with tainted and sainted impurity.
And if perfectly impure then in that "perfectly"
there must be purity, Alleluia, thank the Lord,
there is no hope.
I'm free at last,
I can give up the search.